Dearest Members of Bethlehem,
“So teach us to count our days that we may gain a wise heart…”
-Psalm 90:12
Can it be the end of January already, is that even possible? Tomorrow,
we awake to February, soon it will be Ash Wednesday, and then we will be preparing to celebrate Easter. The psalmist encourages us to “count our days” for good reason, without the gracious reminder we might not appreciate the time we have.
We take that encouragement seriously in our personal lives, but also within the life of our congregation. As a faith community, we strive to enthusiastically embrace the opportunities with which we are blessed.
For well over a year, members of our congregation have been working diligently to discern our congregation’s gifts and how they might be best used to serve our members, community, region, and world. The outcome of all that work is a long-range strategic plan that we are very excited about.
So please, mark your calendars! On the weekend of February 18th and 19th, Pastor Ellen and I will be teaming up during worship to share that plan with our congregation. On February 13th a copy of the long-range plan will be emailed to our members, posted in “Get Connected,” and of course, hardcopies will also be available for those interested in the trajectory of our ministry in the coming years.
These are exciting times. Our congregation has been enlivened by the Spirit and there is genuine enthusiasm in this community. Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Glenshaw is poised to make a lasting impact on its members and all those we have been called to serve.
Now is the time to embrace the new energy and vision and move forward with passion and conviction. We are grateful to all our members who worked so long and hard to pull this plan together. Pastor Ellen and I consider it a privilege to share in this meaningful ministry with you.
Keep an eye on your inbox on the 13th, join us for worship on the 18th or 19th, and then get ready to roll up those proverbial sleeves and savor every moment of our life together in Christ.
Question for reflection: How often do you check the time during the course of the day? What does it mean to, “use our time wisely?”
Yours in Christ,
Pastor Dan
God of grace, where will we meet you this day? Will it be in this morning’s sunrise? Will it be in the birdsong? Will we find your promise of resurrection in the blossoms that are hearty enough to defy the grip of winter? Or will we encounter the expansiveness of your grace in the stillness and wonder of the night sky? Wherever we discover you, God of love, may we be discovered in you. We pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.