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What Would You Like to Know?
How Do I Become a Member?All Are Welcome Here! Let the pastor know that you are interested so we can personally invite you into our community. Complete and submit the New Member Form, contact one of our Pastors: Pastor Dan Smail (email) or Pastor Ellen Lundie (email), or by phone at (412) 486-0550. If you are transferring from another Lutheran church, contact that church and ask them for a Letter of Transfer. Once completed, send it to Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church, 1719 Mt. Royal Blvd., Glenshaw, PA 15116. Classes are offered to help new members become an integral part of our ministry.
What Do Lutherans Believe About Baptism?Jesus said: "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatever I have commanded you." Matthew 28:18-20 Lutherans are a church whose unity is in Jesus Christ, who gathers us around Word and water, wine and bread. Baptism is a significant part of our faith journey as we come from the baptismal waters to live a new life as children of God. According to Martin Luther's Small Catechism, The Sacrament of Holy Baptism, "For without the Word of God the water is plain water and not a baptism, but with the Word of God it is a baptism, that is, a grace-filled water of life and a 'bath of the new birth in the Holy Spirit.'" St. Paul in Titus 3 "Baptism...points to the fact that salvation comes only from God." -- Martin Luther
How Can I Have My Child Baptized?"Baptism sets us out on a lifelong journey that is characterized by our relationship with God, our relationship to our faith community, our relationship in our community and the wider world." To have your child baptized, complete and submit the Baptismal Request Form-Child or contact Pastor Dan Smail (email) or Pastor Ellen Lundie (email), or call the office at (412) 486-0550. We will meet with you to review the significance of baptism and to make you comfortable with the baptismal service itself.
As an Adult, How Would I Go About Becoming Baptized?We welcome you to share in this journey. Our baptism sets us out on a lifelong journey where we are to " among God's faithful people; hear the word of God and share in the Lord's Supper; proclaim the good news of God in Christ through word and deed; serve all people following the examples of Jesus; and strive for justice and peace in all the earth." Evangelical Lutheran Worship, p. 236 Note: The Nicene Creed states, "We believe in one baptism for the forgiveness of sins." Therefore, regardless of your denomination or church affiliation at the time of your baptism, only one baptism is needed for this journey. In order to be baptized, complete and submit the Baptismal Request Form-Adult. You may also contact Pastor Dan Smail (email) or Pastor Ellen Lundie (email) or call the church office at (412) 486-0550. The pastor will schedule some meetings with you to help you understand the commitment you are about to make and to build comfort with the process. If you have already been baptized into another faith, it will not be necessary to be baptized again.
How Do I Enroll My Child or Myself in Sunday School?Good idea!! Glad you are interested in joining us. To enroll your child in Sunday School, complete the Sunday School Registration Form, or contact the church office (email), or call (412) 486-0550 to ensure that we have all the appropriate contacts and safety information about your child. Then on Sunday (Sept-May), arrive in time for the opening gathering at 9:15. Most classes are held downstairs in Fellowship Hall. The Sunday School staff will be happy to help you find the appropriate class for your child -- just look for smiling faces. Adult Sunday School classes are available in Schmid Hall (top of the entry stairs to the right) and start at 9:15 (Sept-May). Just come in and join us -- no enrollment is necessary.
How Can I Order Altar Flowers?Thank you for considering adorning the altar with God's beautiful flowers. There is a "flower chart" on the bulletin board outside the church office. The chart is posted near the end of each year to give people an opportunity to sign up for flowers for the coming year. Just print your name clearly on the chart for the date you would like to offer flowers. You may sponsor one or both bouquets of flowers for that week. Envelopes are available to complete with your name and to indicate if the flowers are in memory or in honor of someone. Enclose payment for the flowers and place the envelope either in the church office or in the offering box. Your sponsorship will be noted within the church bulletin, unless otherwise specified. You may take them with you after the late Sunday service. If you are from out of town and wish to order flowers in honor or memoriam, please contact the church office (email) or at (412) 486-0550. We are happy to make the arrangements.
How Do I Order an Altar Rose to Announce the Birth of a Child?Congratulations!!! If you wish to celebrate the birth of your new baby, grandchild, or new special little one by placing a rose on the altar, contact the church office (email) or at (412) 486-0550 and the church secretary will make the arrangements.
How Do I Arrange For a Funeral?This can be a time of overwhelming grief. Families experiencing a death of a loved one need to know that we, as a faith community, join in their sorrow and loss. The pastor is available at any time to offer prayer, conversation, comfort, and support, even prior to death. Families are encouraged to contact the pastor as soon as they are able. Call the Church office at (412) 486-0550, email Pastor Dan Smail, or call him directly at (412) 596-4372.
Can I Use a Room/Space Within the Church Building?Bethlehem Evangelical Lutheran Church has various rooms in the building that are available for member and community use. If you are interested in reserving space in the building, please complete the Bethlehem Building Use Form , contact the church office (email) or at (412) 486-0550 to see if the space is available for the date/time you are requesting.
Do I Need Clearances to Volunteer With Children and Youth Activities at the Church?Yes! We hold the safety and protection of our children in the highest regard. In order to ensure that we are in compliance with PA Law, we require all persons who are volunteering and are over the age of 18 to acquire the proper clearances. Complete and submit the Children and Youth Volunteer Form. Clearances must be on file with the church office and will be valid for 3 to 5 years. We will keep these records confidential and within a locked file. Clearances include all of the following: Act 34 State Police Clearances Act 151 Child Abuse History Clearances Act 141 FBI Criminal History Record Thank you for taking this step to ensure that our children are safe. Please contact the church office or call (412) 486-0550 for more information or if you have any questions.
Why Don't You Have This Question on the FAQs?If you have an FAQ question idea that may be helpful to others, let us know and we will consider placing it here! Complete and submit the Website Suggestions and Ideas Form, email your idea to our church office, or reach out to our website administrators.

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