Youth Learning & Ministries
Sunday School
Grades 9-12
9:15 am throughout the school year
Located in the Youth Room
Confirmed youth explore their faith in more detail while enjoying fun and fellowship with their peers.
Confirmation Classes
Grades 6-8
6:30 pm (Sept-Mar)
Located in the Lounge and Youth Room
To prepare for confirmation, our youth study Luther's Small Catechism as they prepare to affirm their baptisms through Confirmation. This is accomplished in nine units of study over three years, including yearly winter weekend retreat at Camp Lutherlyn.
First Holy Communion Classes
Grade 5
Every Wednesday at 5:00 pm throughout the Spring

Youth Ministry
Grades 6-12
7:30-8:30 pm (Oct-May), plus summer hours as scheduled.
Located in Fellowship Hall
This ministry serves to engage the youth by providing opportunities to join their faith with everyday life. This is done through events that foster community, fellowship, service, and fun! Past activities include stocking the food pantry at Northside Common Ministries, the Annual Food Scavenger Hunt, Phantom of the Church, GaGa Ball, and so much more!
High School Hangout
Grades 9-12
6:30-7:30 pm (Oct-Mar)
Located in The Bell Room
While confirmands are in class, our Senior youth who have already been confirmed get together to build upon the relationships they have established with each other and with our Lord. They listen to music, play games, talk and "hang out" together.
Senior Youth
Grades 9-12
Once per month, 6:30 pm (Sept-May)
Located in The Bell Room
This ministry serves to engage the specific needs of senior youth who have already been confirmed, providing a safe place to share and discuss how to apply their faith throughout life's experiences and challenges. Past activities include discussion over milkshakes, playing laser tag, bowling, or just sharing a laugh.