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Writer's pictureWendy Farone

Tuesday Tidings April 15, 2024

Dearest Members of Bethlehem,


“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised.” -Psalm 113:3


There’s a beautiful plant in the narthex.  It’s nestled in a sizable pot and tucked in a corner by the window.  I think it’s a kind of “umbrella plant,” but I’ll admit I am no expert botanist.


And the truth is, I have likely strolled by that plant a thousand times and didn’t take much notice of it at all.  Until one quiet Saturday morning when I strode out from my office to make a deposit in one of the church mailboxes and realized that every single one of the leaves on that plant had shifted, pivoted, to face the morning sun.


I paused, and even though not a soul was around to see it, I smiled to myself, and uttered an all but inaudible, “thanks be to God.”


I have a great deal to learn from the life-giving witness of that Umbrella Plant, because you see, far too often the very first thing I turn my attention to - even though I do in fact know better - is the lengthy list of things that need to be accomplished in the day ahead, and not the Son that quite literally has the power to sustain me when I am doing all those things.


I’ll never be perfect, but in this Easter season, I am intentionally trying to be a little better.  Instead of starting my day sighing, I am trying to start it with a sighting, of the Light of Christ, an energy that has the capacity to not only shape my day in a much better way, but also has the power to help me grow.


The psalmist must have had a sense of just how important a healthy posture of prayer was and is, as Psalm 113:3 is a catchy reminder of what each and every one of our days is really meant to be all about:


“From the rising of the sun to its setting, the name of the Lord is to be praised!”


Question for reflection: How does your morning routine set the tenor and tone of your day?


Yours in Christ,

Pastor Dan


Lord, you are the source of Light and Life, when we find ourselves in periods of darkness, we pray that your powerful presence would illumine our hearts and minds.  As each day dawns anew, remind us that there will be fresh opportunities to experience your glory in our lives.  All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord, amen.

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