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Writer's pictureWendy Farone

Advent Banner Resurrected!

Have you been watching the banners “grow” each week during Advent??

At the urging of members of the Worship Committee, the Advent banners from years ago were brought out of storage in the banner room for an “encore viewing” during this Advent season. Originally created about 20 years ago by former members, Linda Nowakowski and Sharon Hemmerlin, the individual panels reflect the assigned lessons of the four Sundays of Advent, Years A-C. For example, on the Second Sunday of Advent the lesson from Isaiah 11:1-10 speaks of a shoot shall come forth out of Jesse; the lamb shall lie down with the leopard. On the Fourth Sunday of Advent (attached photo) the Gospel lesson from Matthew I:18-25 tells of the Angel that appeared to Joseph in a dream.

The panels are constructed so that the banners grow week by week. The final sections to be revealed on Christmas Eve represent “a rose e’re blooming from tender stem hath sprung!”

*Special thanks to Dennis Lane and Joe Ulrich for making the banner grow each week!

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